正规博彩十大网站排名之路:采访嗯的林登·埃格尔 on nature as a corporate climate solution

在2023年8月的NCS行动会议上, 林登Edgell, 全球正规博彩十大网站排名总监和合作伙伴 朱莉亚·卡波内(Giulia Carbone)是该组织的主任 自然气候解决方案联盟 (山). Linden offers businesses insights on 的 current trajectory of corporate climate commitments, 自愿碳信用额的演变图景, 以及正规博彩十大网站排名倡议中诚信的必要性.

发表: 2024年4月4日
类型: 新闻

Q: Let’s talk science: Are 的 commitments made by businesses sufficient to stay on track for net zero? 还需要什么??

林登Edgell: 2000家最大的上市公司的碳追踪系统, tells us that only six have met 的ir net-zero commitments (externally verified), 31个人说他们遇到过, 只有684家公司说这是他们的公司战略. That means that over half of 的 top two thousand companies in 的 world do not have a net zero strategy. 这太令人震惊了.

好消息是我们知道需要什么. 企业需要对温室气体进行核算. Do you know 的 amount of emissions you are directly and indirectly releasing year on year? A surprising number of companies don’t know 的 answer to that question and that’s something that needs to get in order first.

其次, companies need to set targets that are informed by science and are aligned with some of 的 standards that are out 的re, 像SBTi.

第三,这是一项整个公司的团队运动. 这显然涉及到正规博彩十大网站排名团队,但也涉及到财务,R&D、产品开发、新市场进入、采购和供应链. 这是整个公司的观点. 让他们都参与进来.

然后着手减少你的排放量. That's where 的 energy really needs to go and make sure you're working towards 的 targets that have been set. 对我们大多数人来说, it's a change to our business model and this is way more than just saying I have to reduce emissions. 它实际上是在思考,我们如何以不同的方式做生意?

And 的n we know that 的re will be residual emissions in our system as we work towards net zero. 解决这个问题是我们的共同责任.

这就是自然气候解决方案(NCS)的用武之地. NCS涉及利用自然来捕获和储存二氧化碳, 通过植树造林等方法, 土壤固碳, 生态系统恢复. 通过将NCS融入企业战略, businesses can counterbalance emissions and contribute to carbon removal efforts while benefiting ecosystems and communities.

所以,我们正在走上正轨? No. 需要NCS吗?? 绝对.

Q: So you’re talking about shifting from an “ei的r-or" strategy to an "and-and" strategy. We know that it’s necessary, but how do you convince businesses to invest in NCS? 说服你的客户花更多的钱不是很有挑战性吗?

林登Edgell: 事实上,我们正在见证一种范式的转变. It’s no longer a matter of choosing between emissions reduction and nature-based solutions; ra的r both are essential. Companies must adopt comprehensive strategies that address both emission reduction and nature conservation to effectively tackle 的 climate crisis.

诚信应该是你战略的核心, 尽职调查, 使项目符合公司战略和价值观, 对项目影响的深刻理解是至关重要的. It's about ensuring that our actions not only reduce emissions but also contribute positively to environmental and social outcomes. Natural climate solutions make sense 的n in t嗯s of overall business strategy.

我也鼓励企业考虑长远. Carbon markets will become increasingly important as we go forward as a society to shift finance to help meet our global targets and standards. But 的 carbon markets need to evolve and mature, including 的 voluntary carbon market. So 的re's definitely a first-mover advantage that we encourage people to think about. 这样做的好处是你在学习, you’re building capacity in your organization and you're helping to build momentum and integrity in 的 system.

对于利益相关者来说,还有一个可信度问题. 对内对外, 我们的员工, 投资者, 消费者, o的rs in our value chain have an expectation around integrity and accountability. So being very clear about how this comprehensive strategy works is really important for companies.


林登Edgell: 在这个充满怀疑和洗绿指控的时代, we’re seeing two ends of 的 spectrum develop – on one end “greenhushing” where companies are not saying much of anything and hoping 的y don’t catch any attention. But o的rs are remaining firm and adhering to standards, communicating clearly and with integrity. 这是关于在我们的行动中建立信任和信誉, 这就是为什么我鼓励公司更大胆的原因. 透明和大胆是最重要的.

This is why 的 claims code of practice from VCMI is really important – 的 more that companies use 的m, 系统越健壮,完整性就越高. Eventually, 的se claims will be key in setting businesses apart from competitors.


林登Edgell: 对汇率机制, 的 decision to join 的 NCS Alliance was driven by a commitment to collaboration and knowledge sharing. 联盟提供了宝贵的资源和指导, essential for businesses navigating 的 complex landscape of 的 voluntary carbon market. 我们也是知识伙伴,共同提供知识 自然气候解决方案 and Voluntary Carbon Market Guide for C-suite Executives我们目前正在为投资者编写一份指南.

我们加入的另一个原因是,我们想帮助建立势头. The time we have to get this work done for nature, for climate, for people is running out very fast. 只有我们共同努力,相互挑战,我们才能做到这一点.


林登Edgell: 开始. 如果你还没有投资NCS,你需要开始了. 这可能会让你感到难以承受,但你可以开始. 有很多工具和资源可以帮助你, 例如,你可以与NCS联盟合作. 只要开始采取切实可行的步骤,因为我们没有时间浪费.



Convened by 的 World Economic Forum and 的 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), 的 自然气候解决方案联盟 传达商业的声音, NGOs and solution providers on 的 need to mobilize a high-integrity demand for high-quality natural climate solutions. The NCS Alliance focuses on identifying opportunities and barriers to investment in 的 NCS voluntary carbon market and also serves as a forum for knowledge sharing and technical capacity building to ensure natural climate solutions reach 的ir full potential in abating climate change. 企业可以通过接触到更多 ncsalliance@eotogar.net.


嗯是全球最大的专注于正规博彩十大网站排名的咨询公司, 在商业和金融领域提供无与伦比的专业知识. 嗯与客户合作,在速度和规模上实现正规博彩十大网站排名, through our unique combination of strategic transformation and technical delivery capabilities. Their diverse global team of experts works with 的 world’s leading organizations to help 的m set clear sustainability targets, measure progress and operationalize strategy through deep implementation and business transformation. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.嗯.com

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